Tuesday 22 May 2018

Help for Ron

I wonder if I'm the only one old enough to remember Windmill Lane, and in particular the building shown in my attachment.  I recently purchased a photograph taken shortly after a 
bomb destroyed the Chichester pub which was on the corner of Windmill Lane and Evelyn St. 1943. It revived the curiosity I always felt when I passed this building 80 years ago.

It looks similar to the houses next door, but had an industrial gate on the ground floor, and no windows.....just an open space above the door. 
The house next door is I believe No. 2, and I know who occupied it between 1930 and 1940. An old map from c.1900 suggests that there may have been a way to access the school from W.L. at this point. I have looked in several Directories going back to 1880 but can find no reference to a business at this location. My only guess is that it could have been a house, later converted to a loading bay for horse-drawn carts. Anybody know?

Ron King