Friday 21 February 2020

Jeff Memories of Carrington House

HI Andy?,
 I was born in the old St. Alfages hospital in Greenwich in 1950.Apparently I was not thriving as I should as my Mum was terrified of the ward sister which caused problems with feeding me. My Dad decided to kidnap us both and we came home to the family residence at 39 St. Donatts Road, New Cross. I went to school at St. James's in the road of the same name, New Cross and later went to Addey and Stanhope grammar school (known by us as Study and No Hope) In New Cross Road Deptford. I well remember Carrington House and the forboding presence it cast over Brookmill Road and the surrounding area. When I was 15, I had a girlfriend who had a horse. She was so devoted to it that she turned up on it one day ....for a date at the pictures at the local fleapit (Deptfor Odeon). I told her that the place was pretty bad but didn't think they would let her and her horse in. As I recall a few of the local girls kept horses in the stables in Mechanics Passage where the totters kept theirs.
   In the 1070s, I started a long career driving buses and often drove the 47 past Carrington House and in the mid 1980s the 53 past the end of Brookmill Road. Looking back we seemed to enjoy our simple lifestyle and seemed a lot healthier for it.
  Thank you for all the lovely memories contained in your blog.

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