Thursday 29 March 2018

The Albury Street Masquerade: The Ripper's Story

London 1890, The murder of Alice Mckenzie, not attributed to Jack the Ripper.

A genetic research scientist, whose aim is to discover if a ‘Killer gene’ exists if so can it be removed? His research becomes an obsession when he learns from his ghostly great-great-grandmother, that his origins begin with her and a man, William, known as Jack The Ripper. The writer gives us a new perspective on Jack, that of a loving man until his life crashes in on him with his marriage.

The scientist inherited a family home on Albury Street, Deptford, haunted by his dead relatives. Wanting to help their descendants, they demand he takes his troubles there, where they can deal with them quickly and permanently. His dead great-great-grandmother wishes to smooth his way in life because she could not help her son born in an asylum after she was committed there for the murder of William, aka Jack The Ripper, the father of the child. The researcher accepts her help, and that of the dead William, alas, their solutions are final, and murder follows his family line of which he plans to be the last one, a path fraught and dangerous and one he can never win. 
The writer uses real incidents of bodies found on the Thames embankment and around the country through the decades, all unnamed and unclaimed by society.

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