Friday 17 September 2010

Deptford High Street, North End Circa 1865.

This old photo shows the area where Evelyn Street on the left (out of view) crossed the end of Deptford High St to meet Wellington St (Flagons Row) on the right. Center, slightly right shows the entrance into Old King St which went into Watergate St at the far end. To the left we can see New King St. All this area was demolished to make way for Evelyn St to join up with Creek Road. I suppose around the right hand corner into Wellington St one would now find the Old Post Office which is still there, and across from that corner to the right of Old King St now standsDeptford Central Hall. The Harp of Erin must be in there somewhere as well?

Source: My thanks to the Lewisham Local Studies and Archives


Deptford dame said...

Wow, this view really changed in a relatively short time - interesting since street layouts are usually retained even if buildings are demolished.

Andy said...

Hi Deptford Dame,

Your right about the street layouts being retained. I cant help but think about the position of the pub The Harp of Erin. When I visited place last year it looks as old as the building in the center of the photo flank either side by the two King Streets. what do you think?


charlie1902 said...

My Grandfather was born at 80 Wellington Street. I think I have a picture of almost exactly the same location taken in 1933/4 of him as a boy. The building in the right of your picture is the Duke of Wellington is that right?
He has spoken about being bombed in WW2 with 80 lives lost when just one bomb struck a (different) pub.
Thank you for sharing your picture.

Andy said...

Flagon Row was later called Wellington Street and is now what remains as McMillan Street. All these houses were demolished in 1896 to make way for an extension of Creek Road east to the end of Evelyn Street. By 1933/34 most of the area had changed but I do remember parts of Queen Street, now Lamerton Street still having old buildings upto and after WW11.

Can you send me a copy of the photo and I will post it here?


Anonymous said...

Hi Andy,
I have just come across this site of 'OLD DEPTFORD HISTORY'and being a Deptford boy in the 30s to 60s found it very interesting, I used to live in gilbert house not far from albury street and the pub on the corner of church st had the nick name of 'THE BLUE LIGHT' and when I was a youngster the publican was a big fat man who sat on a stool at the bar.

Andy said...

Hi Ron.
Gilbert House , MacMillan St..I know it..a big tennament
When you say the pub on the corner, Church Street The Blue Light, was this the Kings Head? corner of Albury St.. Church St end. Do you have any old photos of Deptford in particular the Kings Head Pub. I will post photos with any related stories you have.

wrightys memories said...

ive just found the site, fantastic memories. I was born at 21 Stanley ST,just off Douglas Way. Does anyone remember the Warick Pub, the bagwash or the rag shop in stanley st. What about the fantastic ice cream at Perrys !!At the top of Stanley St there was some garages and Acker Bilk used to have his tour van serviced in the early 70s there by an old black guy, well he is still alive and i spoke to him for hours a few weeks ago, hes a bit of old deptford. Who elses mum used to pay off weekly clothes bills in Peekrises ? and what about the toy shop at the top of the high st, Wow, so many memories. I used to go to club and play football for St Pauls with Father Bomford and Father Diamond.

wrightys memories said...

I was born in stanley st, off douglas way and remember perrys the sweetshop, the bag wash, the warick pub, the rag shop, jellied ell stall and peekrise. what a toy shop it was at the top of the high st. i used to go to clubs and play football for st pauls with father bomford and father diamond. Can anyone remember the street party for the jubilee. i lived there from 1959 to 1973 when they knocked down the street and moved us to abinger grove maisonettes, inside toilet but horrible estate. i went to childeric school then onto samuel pepys. grand old place deptford in them days

paulthesinger said...

I did an interview with Lou who used to run a cafe on Deptford High Street with his sister Josie. He told me that there used to be a place where you could sleep on a rope for 6 pence.
The ropes were spread across the room and people used to hang their arms over them and attempt to sleep!

Andy said...

Hi Paul, read this! seems the two penny rope hang over was not the only way to get a nights sleep.

Four penny coffin.

The four penny coffin (also referred to as a coffin house) is a Victorian term that described one of the first homeless shelters to be created for the people of central London. It was operated by the Salvation Army during the late 19th and early 20th centuries to provide comfort and aid to its destitute clients. The Salvation Army operated other homeless shelters in the area. These shelters charged the clients different amounts depending on the amenities offered. At the low end was a penny sit-up, where a homeless client could get food and shelter from the cold in exchange for a penny. He was allowed to sit on a bench all night, but was not allowed to sleep. For an additional penny, there was the "two penny hangover". It was like a penny sit-up except that a rope was placed in front of the bench. The client was allowed to sleep when he leaned on (or hanged over) the rope during the night. He was not allowed to lie down flat on his back and sleep. The rope was cut at daybreak in order to encourage the clients to wake up early and leave. For four pennies, a homeless client could stay at a coffin house. These rows of "coffins" were the men's sleeping quarters in London's Burne Street hostel. Circa 1900He received food and shelter. Moreover, he was allowed to lie down flat on his back and sleep in a coffin shaped wooden box. A client was given a tarpaulin for covering. What made this unique is that it was the cheapest homeless shelter in London at that time that allowed its clients to lie down on their back and sleep. The Salvation Army also offered shelters that allowed its clients to sleep on a bed for a much higher price. Hence, the coffin house was popular because it offered an economical and midrange solution for homeless clients looking for relief from the cold.

Source - Wikipedia.

Chris S said...

Just like wrighties memories my mum used to pay of at Peekries. She always chose clothes too big for us so that they would fit ok by she paid them off. It was quite exciting standing waiting for the parcels to come down. Also who remembers the shops by St Paul's in the High Street one sold offal and my nan used to but pig's heads there to make into brawn. Also there was an italian ice cream shop in Edward Street or the bakers in the High Street where the Blue Peter charity shop is where according to the time of year we would get a penny donut or an ice cream on the way home from school. Does anyone else remember the blacksmiths in the railway arches in Hamilton Place where they shoed horses. My brother and I were often almost late for school watching them.

Anonymous said...

The term " Hang Over" must come from this unfourtunate sleeping posistion! I have experienced the feeling these poor wretches must have felt many times...HIC...LOL :)

Jaime Taylor said...

Hi all

Would really like to speak to "Wrighty's memories" and Ron if possible. Pls can you post a comment back here or call / email me at: 0207 378 6106 /

I'm researching for a film on Deptford's history. Thanks
Jaime Taylor

mail said...

My mother too."paid off" things at Pecry's it was a regular port of call every Saturday, and a special occasion when we collected the goods.My memories start about 1935,when we lived at No.8 Amersham Vale.I attended Stanley St school(I have class photo from 1937,classsroom decorated for Coronation) Anybody remember

simmo said...

Hi wrightys memories i went to south east lon.i remember the black guy well cause he had a glass eye and our ball was always ending up in his garage.i remember father diamond from deptford crypt.i also went to childeric 1960-1966 there was a girl called carol wright in my class are you related

simmo said...

hi all has anybody got any photos of folkestone gardens in trundleys rd the spookiest block of flats ever.or did you used to live there

crane hire perth said...

I love old photos. Back then that were the highest buildings in downtown.

Anonymous said...

i remember rossi's ice cream parlor in new cross road, got married in st pauls church by father diamond, also remember johnsons the baker's and t/whites the chemist, the under takers over the road from st pauls,

Anonymous said...

what about the old showgrounds who remembers them.

Anonymous said...

I remember my Dad taking me to the fairground just under the reilway bridge. The old penny machines and bumper cars. I lived in Grove Street until 1957, then Corston Street.
Remember the old Bug Hutch. Used to go there on a Friday night with dad then get faggots and pigs trotters from Henneys I think it was called.

Thomas Hook said...

I was born in New King Steet in 1928.I enjoy reading the letters especialy the Cattle Market - at the end of our street.Fond memories of the Hight Street well lit up on a Saturday night. The Show Grounds Manzies Pie and Eel Shop also Goddards Pie shop. The Noahs Ark Pub.My Father took me to see the "Rope" where you could sleep!! so much to remember.

Anonymous said...

I have found a relative on the 1871 census living in Gothic Hall. Can't find anything about this building anywhere. It must have been close to Clarence Place on the Broadway.

Andy said...

Hi Anon,

Found this article from the London Gazette 1860. Does it help?

Before the Judge of the County Court of Kent, holden at the Sessions House, Maidstone,
on Wednesday the 21st day of March, I860, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely.
"William Miller, formerly of the Gothic Hall, Broadway, Deptford, Kent, Coffee and Lodging-house Keeper, and carrying on business as a Chemist and Druggist at No.
27, Bishopsgate-street, London, and of No. 50, Highstreet,
Poplar, Middlesex, Coffee and Lodging-house Keeper, then of the Gothic Hall aforesaid, Coffee and
Lodging-house Keeper, and then residing at Gothic Hall aforesaid, Assistant to Mr. Thomas Johnson, and then and late of the Gothic Hall, Broadway, Deptford, Kent,
Licensed Retailer of Beer and Tobacco.
Edward Thomas Scoones (sued and committed as Edward Scoones), formerly and late of the George and Dragon Inn, Tudely, near Tonbridge, Kent, Licensed Victualler, Farmer, and Blacksmith,
George Cotton, formerly of Cheetham Cottage, Frindsbury,
Kent, then of No. 75, High-street, Strood, Kent, and then and late of No. 11, Hooper's-place, Rochester, Kent, during the above period having a workshop at Pomplane,
Rochester, Kent, Carpenter and Builder, and during part of this period engaged as Hop Assistant.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reference. Miller also appears in on Old Bailey Trial as a witness against a would-be burglar. Gothic Hall had a large number of lodgers but I still can't find out if it was a private undertaking or run by a mission, Nor what happened to it.

Unknown said...

I came from be New Cross end of Deptford but I spent most I of my childhood years 7-10 street raking as my old mum used to call it down Douglas Way& Deptford high street with my old mate Les Mannering. The old bombed out buildings and the soap factory, there was a bit of waste ground in Watson street which backed onto the park we used to let off fireworks and run like ----. In them day's you could only buy them in November not all year round like now. Saturday morning pictures at the cinema on Clifton hill/Newcross road, 6d to get in who remembers that ? ,After that Mum would send me To get her weekend shopping, fresh bread from Johnson's, meat from the butchers in Douglas way almost opposite the eel stall , then over to the Globe store next to David Gregg's (where I met my wife). Poor old Charlie the tramp never hurt a soul, the girls from Gregg's use to make him up a bag of off cuts to help him out.
Was the Chip shop in Douglas way called the Dolphin?
Love and kisses all

Keith said...

Does any one remember Raleigh Buildings in New King St.My folks lived there in 1911.Pic would be great

Unknown said...

Hi, my grandad came from Deptford. His name was Thomas Comarty.He was born in 1915 and was the youngest of (I think)13 children. His oldest sister was called Kate (Catherine). My grandads dad worked in the Royal Victualling yard and died when my grandad was a toddler. On his way back to work after going home for his dinner, he choked to death on a bit of potato stuck in his throat. My great aunt Kate could also remember her grandad being let out of the workhouse once a week to visit the family. He would take his pudding which he'd saved to give to his grand children. Another Cromarty (Susannah I think) gave information to the Police about one of the Stratton brothers. That was the first time fingerprints were used as evidence in this country. Although she was a prostitute, she was recorded as being his 'girlfriend'. The family last lived in Abinger Rd, which I believe has gone now.

Anonymous said...

Hi Deptfordians
My father George Parrish was born in 9 Lamerton Street in 1918 and our family lived there from the early 19th century up until the mid 1960s.
My father often spoke of the camaraderie that existed in the street and how on the hot summer evenings they would sit outside till very late talking to their neighbours. Manzies was often spoken of and my father always spoke of their jellied ills.My nan couldn't read or write and her jobs were cleaning steps in the area and singing in the pub at the end of the street.Has anyone got any pics of the street or any memories to share as Lamerton Street doesnt get much of a mention on the site?I can also be contacted on Many thanks Roy Parrish

Unknown said...

Deptford Arena Wrestling 1934-1940
Does anyone remember the "All-IN" wrestling at Deptford Arena on the High Street which took place three times a week on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday. Bert Assirati from Islington was the British Champion and the biggest star to appear there, along with Max Krauser, Jack Sherry, Jack Pye, etc,etc,..
Wishing to find out the name of the local newspaper that covered the wrestling, and gave the results. Wrestling Historian Mike Hallinan Edgware London Web-Sites and

ellams said...

does anyone remember croft street off evelyn street
in the 50s . When we moved to London and remember well the Nissan huts , any pictures ?

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx said...
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Anonymous said...

anyone know any more information about perrys ice cream shop in douglas way. I lived in edward street flats from 1946 to 1951. I attended clyde street schooland remember the blacksmiths in edward st, the rachel mcmillan pre school nursery and the beggar??with an arm and a leg missing standing near the station in deptford high st

Unknown said...

I was a resident of carrington house and I remember it brother lived at Browne house a block of flats.I think it was church street.he had no room for me and sometimes I would sleep in the drying room in the block of flats.I am now a old man but remember when times were hard.we went to the London hospital at night and sat with our feet in a tub of gentian violets to ease our blisters

Andy said...

Hi Dave

Thanks for sharing your memories of Carrington House. From the archive records I read that it was a strict place with hard and fast rules
Not only was there resident's who were of lower class but I read Solicitors, doctors all types of class profession stayed there as well.

Thanks again and would be please to hear more stories from you regarding Deptford and the house

best regards


Anonymous said...

I have information and old photo of Perry's sweet shop if anybody still interested, they were my Grandparents

douglas perry said...

I would love to see the photo. I think we may be related. if you would like, contact me at

douglas perry said...

are we related by any chance. i would love to see the photograph

Christine Shelvey said...

My Dad was the baker on Edwards Bakery. His name was Bill Shelvey. He worked there for over 40 years and I have fond memories of the Edwards family. They were Quakers and the building was. Quakers meeting house and is a protected building

Anonymous said...

Hi dave
If you have any factual information on Charlie the tramp aka dog end bill I would be interested to hear.
Thankyou in advance

JOHN SMITH said...

I was brought up in Deptford in the 50s,I remember eating school dinners with the smell of the soap fry making me feel sick.Can anyone remember the soap fry in frank ham street ?

Unknown said...

One of my earliest memories is being pushed in my pushchair along Douglas way. I recall a dolphin symbol or alike on the fish shop so I wouldn't be surprised it that is what it was named

Anonymous said...

Moved to the abinger grove maisonettes too. The caretaker @2 brambling court used to keep the place in very good order. Remember the swings by the tower block, the community centre by dolphin square, and charlies sweet shop. Moved there after they knocked down the houses on warwickshire street and then built new flats renaming the street to warwickshire path.

Unknown said...

Were there any deaths in this area because me and my family are seeing weird things like black figures.

Elaine Day said...

I used to speak to Charlie the tramp as he used to sit at the end of our street, Etta Street. He told me that his house was bombed in the war killing his family and he swore never to live in a house again. I know the police used to puck him up a couple of times a year and clean him up before letting him go back on the streets. He used to sleep in an old car under the bridge at Edward Strret. His brother was the owner of Purdies wet fish shop in Deptford High St. He was a really kind man who had time for children, I was about 8 and he also loved animals.

yummymummy said...

I have been researching the 'Dobbins' family tree in Deptford and found Reb Dobbins
1841 England, Wales & Scotland Census
B H Cottage, St Nicholas Deptford, Greenwich, London & Kent, England

I think her maiden name was Reb White as I found the following marriage to Robert Benjamin Dobbins the son of William and Elizabeth Dobbins.
First name(s) Robert Benjamin
Last name Dobbin
Role Groom
Marriage year 1811
Marriage date 24 Feb 1811
Place Greenwich
Spouse's first name(s) Reb
Spouse's last name White
County Kent
Country England

It would be interesting if anyone has an old map of Deptford and could tell me where
B Cottage was located.

Unknown said...

hi all my Great Grandad and Grandad, and both Grand mother and great grand mother lived in
9 Trevithick Street then lived at 15 Wellington st , then 211 creek Road in the 1900s Charles Hardy and Ada Hardy, and their children, in busy doing my family tree on my dads side as i do not know them if anyone can help it would be great:
Charles Hardy: 1865
Ada Hardy:
son william hardy:1907
his wife was Annie Richards:
all lived in these houses with kids in Deptford sure they lived at 211 creek road for years

Unknown said...

My great-great-grandfather, Thomas walkdenhad an Ironmonger and hardware shop in Flagon Row and was aalso a a market store dealer in Wellington Street in the 1850s

Unknown said...

Hello, my name is Jan and I'm researching my mum's side of the family, The Dobson's from Deptford, her name is Margaret and she had sisters, Betty, Joyce, Winnie, Renee and brothers George, Ray, Matty, Johnnie.

I'm also doing my dad's side The Staples from Deptford and Greenwich. My grandad had a greengrocers in the 1930's.. My dad's name was Joe and he had brothers, Ronnie, Georgie, Johnnie, Harry, Teddy and Albert.

Would love to hear from anyone that remembers anything about them!

Unknown said...

Hello, my name is Jan and I'm researching my mum's side of the family, The Dobson's from Deptford, her name is Margaret and she had sisters, Betty, Joyce, Winnie, Renee and brothers George, Ray, Matty, Johnnie.

I'm also doing my dad's side The Staples from Deptford and Greenwich. My grandad had a greengrocers in the 1930's.. My dad's name was Joe and he had brothers, Ronnie, Georgie, Johnnie, Harry, Teddy and Albert.

Would love to hear from anyone that remembers anything about them!

abingergrove96 said...

Does anyone remember Audrey and Joe who lived at number 4 Kittiwake Court Abinger Grove?

Unknown said...

Realnicetoreadknowalotofnamesandplaceeiwasbornincreekroad1934 at218bycreekbridge ken eaglestone

Shirley said...

Hi My mum lived in Deptford, armada Street, moved to Scotland when she was 4, 1950-51. Shame the street no longer there, surprisingly she does remember quite a lot of her house etc, my grandpa bred dogs, rabbits to sell at market and we think he worked in Deptford power station. She seems to remember the street had a white line running down the street, one side Deptford, one side Greenwich, anyone know know if that's true or she's maybe remembering it a little wrong, maybe a different location. She said she remembers the street flooding from the Thames too. Been trying to find out some info for her, maps, photos etc.

yummymummy said...

Does anyone remember the Dobbins and Barwick's who were dock keepers. I think my Great Grandfather was a policeman at the docks.

Anonymous said...

The fish shop was called Bridges

Anonymous said...

My gt gt grandad was William Cromarty of Deptford, he was the one you mentioned giving his workhouse food to his children/grandchildren, his wife was Susannah Towne. He was a gardener by trade but he passed away in the workhouse.

Pablo said...

Another Family History post. My family, Mady, were boot and shoe makers who married into the Hrris family also boot & shoe makers. They had premises thoughout late 1800s at 106, 107, 109 High Street, 6 Broadway and lived in various streets off High Street. Any photos of the shops welcomed also, trying to locate Jayne Street Deptford in 1898. Paul

Anonymous said...

I rember Johnsons the bakers and there hot jam doughnuts

Anonymous said...

I have read your information is Rita Parrish still alive.

Anonymous said...

I lived in Payne Street with Mum, Dad and two younger brothers. It was close to the Douglas Way market. I too remember the Jellied Eel stall. There was a curtain material stall on Saturdays and I would help the asthmatic proprietor of the stall set up. Collecting his rolls of material from a basement property further down Douglas Way.
St Paul’s Church, I played football for them too, this was with Father Beaumont. We had an all red kit, when raining the dye from the red socks would turn our feet red. Wonderful memories.

Anonymous said...

I have recently found a connection to Deptford via my in laws Grandparents Charles Alfred Porter and Susan Mary Osborne. They lived at 43 Watson Street in Deptford. They had 10 kids, 2 died in infancy. I was told recently that the houses in that area were destroyed in the bombings - the relatives lived. There is one child of theirs I would love to locate information on - William John Porter. He was born 17 AUG 1907 in Deptford. I cannot find an obituary, grave, date of death, etc. Would love to see if anyone could help.