I always remember Carrington House and the doss house that use to be there. My mum use to hate walking past it. This photo taken back in 1902 shows the place before Carrington House was built in 1903 .....advertising beds...then! Middle far right you can see Deptford Broadwayin the distance. Seems like this photo was taken in the winter months. Can anyone else remember the doss house?
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As it looked in the 1960'-70's |
When I first moved to Brockley I had a job at Deptford Skillcentre (now Lewisham College) and I walked past Carrington House on my way to work every day. Most days I would be asked for money or fags or both, occasionally by someone who looked as though they'd had a row with the pavement. More depressing was the people peeing in the doorway of the old cinema - every day, without fail! I varied the route along Tanners Hill but they still managed to catch me as I cut through the bit by Wellbeloved butchers. When the anchor was installed at the end of the high street they all moved there, by that time I was working in Speedwell Street. I knew someone who worked in housing the homeless and she said that they all had flats but congregated on the anchor for companionship.
I remember the doss house, was it the biggest in London? There was apretty big one off Drury Lane, and there was The 'Spike' in Peckham which featured in the opening scenes of 'Blow Up'.
Hi Anon... exactly why my mum use to avoid the area
Andy I would have avoided it if I could but I did feel sorry for them and later worked with some of the ex-residents. I think the 999 club on Deptford Broadway picked up some of the slack after Carrington House closed. Deptford Pudding The biggest doss houses in London were probably the Rowton Houses. My mum worked in one before the war, not sure if it was Hammersmith or Kings Cross.
I remember Carrington House well.
We used to live in Vanguard Street (which runs parallel to Brookmill Road) from 1961 to 1972.
Rather ironic that the old house is now a "mansion".
Great site. Keep up the good work.
I'm in the middle of writing a story based around Carrington and the men that lived there. You might be interested to have a read. Open my profile to see the link. There's a "what i write about" bit down the right hand side - click on carrington. Like your site a lot and will be back
Hi All,
Thanks for your input and kind comments about the site. John it is indeed ironic...! In those day the drunk,down and outs were looked down upon but today its a more caring society.... for the better I think.
Hi Phillip,
Only a person who had been in that place could tell that story...from the gut. There were many Danny's in that place and on the streets of Deptford ....as I remember when walking back to Greenwich.
Read Phillips story at
Up to the age of 5 (1971)I lived at Heald st just off Tanners Hill. Carrington House used to frighten the life out of me, at that age I didn't know what to make of it but it was a heaven and hell situation. As scared as I was of the "different looking men" I used to go to Saturday morning pictures across the road with my older brothers and then there was a boys dream, Noble's toy shop where the college is now, so it was a trip that had to be made. I used to go quiet, shrink into myself and get past as quick as I could and same again on the way back. The funny thing is I don't remember anyone ever telling me anything bad about it or the men but its just one of the memories that stayed with me. To everyone else around me then it was just normal and part of everyday life. I don't know if we became more caring or not by shutting it down, they had a place to go and a roof over there heads at night which is more than some less fortunate people today.
Hi Anon,
I to can remember Nobel's as well. As you say it was a Toyshop heaven. We use to walk around the front of the shop as it was a "U" shaped glass walk through giving two entrances on to the street....
Terrific website. I remember Carrington House so well as I was 6 in 1971 and lived in the Crystal Palace Tavern pub in Tanner's Hill as my dad was the publican. Was always a bit scary going past the big imposing building as a little boy and seeing the drunks there and on the Broadway. Poor blokes that lived there, terrible lives really
Hi Gary
Thanks for your praise of the website. Crystal Palace Pub... I think I can remember it. Yes Carrington House was a tragic place but by all accounts a clean and well run establishment. Gary if you have any old photos..of Deptford or your family... really anything to do with that area just copy them and email them to me and I will post on the site with any comment you would like to put with them.
Thanks and best regards
Hi Gary.
I went to Lucas Vale School and there was a lad in my class called Kenneth Lebow and his dad ran the Crystal Palace in Tanners Hill at the time. It would have been around 1969, its not your brother by any chance is it ?
I grew up in Deptford having been born there in 1950. Just like your other contributors Carrington House made a huge impact on me when we walked or I was pushed in a push chair past it obn my way to see my Nan who lived at the foot of Blackheath Hill. Itruely thought it was a trip through hell wit the smells of the doss house and those of Seager Evans with the visual impact of the foam sitting on top of the "river" Quaggy. A sense of relief only visited me when we reached the Magistrates Court. I can now look back and wonder how many of those men who frequented that area were indeed damaged by the effects of WW2
Hi I went to West Greenwich School around the corner and used to walk past this place twice a day after getting off/on the bus from/to Bermondsey. My overiding memory is the smell and how foreboding it was to walk past (it seemed to block out all the light being so big). I never had any hassles with the residents but had to laugh at some of the comments as they took me back in time, particularly how they used the cinema as a public convenience. I can remember some good films from that place like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and the Aristocats. Dissapointed they shut that down. I live half way round the world now and it seems so long ago but happy times (for me anyway). Not surprised its apartments now. Al
Hi.Happened on the site about deptford and found it very interesting.By the way never written anything before so bare with me .My name is Eddy and I am 78 so do struggle with the computer.In 1947 we moved from Blackheath Rd to No 6 Church st.It was a little shop which at sometime earlier must have sold birds because the cellar had lots of rusty bird cages in.It was in a bad state with an outside toilet and a small back yard.Next door to us on one side was the Druids Head Pub.The other side which must have been No 4 was a barbers shop.Owned by a chap called Sid.He also had an assistant and it was quite a busy little shop especially on a friday and saturday when most people had there haircut.Normally short back and sides which cost one and six.No extra charge for a slick of brylcreem.Oppposite on the other side of the road was Donavan Brothers a small factory that made paper bags and carrier bags.They had a couple of vans which they delivered the bags across London.Quite a few people worked there.Next door to that going towards Broadway was a small shop tobbaconists whch was run by a man and wife.I remember his name was Sid.A little further up was the Odeon Theatre which was really nice inside.One and six to get in and if you felt well off you paid two and threepence to sit at the back.Picture houses in those days were always full up and you always had to Queue to get in.Not many people had television and they were only 9 inch screens.On our side of the road just a little further up was two big gates.These led into the yard of Robinsons flour factory were they ground the wheat to make Flower.Our back yard and the area around always had a layer of flower on it.It was a really big factory.Next to that was a little cafe and then Gardeners the r5eally big clothes shop which went right round the corner into the main rd.Then Nobles the fantastic shop which was full of quality toys,lots of train sets,none of which we could ever afford but nice to look.Always wanted a train set but never could afford one.I see a lot of you talking about Carrington house.This wasnt just a place for down and outs but somewhere for people who had nowhere to live.It was a place for men to sleep.Most of them did work and had jobs.The shop at no 6 which was my mums in which we sold secondhand clothes and shoes.Quite a lot of secondhand shops about then because clothes were still coupons.Lots of irish men used to come into our shop and buy clothes on a friday night or Saturday which was our busy time.They would buy there clothes wear them for a week and often throw them away and have another lot the next week.Before we took over the shop my mum had a stall at the other end of douglas st which was were the market used to be before they moved it into the high st.The top end of Douglas st was the normal trading of Goods and the bottom end for secondhand stalls.It was a very busy on market days and got big crowds.No credit cards in those days so you only spent what you had.In Douglas st you could buy almost anything.They used to have a stall with day old chicks which you could buy at a penny each.Also tortoises which were about two shillings each.We did that is me and my brother buy a tortoise and kept it for years in our back yard in church st.Looking back not good for the animals but we never thought anything wrong at the time.We also bought our dog after the war at a market called club row another \london market near Shoreditch.A mongrel which cost us seven and sixpence.My mum told us off when we got home and said we couldn,t keep it,but we did and he lived to be 17 years old.Well seem to be going on a bit so Better try and send this off.Hope this of some interest and have lots more to say about Deptford .All the best to anyone reading this and have a nice Christmas.Eddy
Thanks Eddy for your stories. Just the infomation I and the other people of Deptford long to hear. Eddy, do you have any photos of Deptford and where you lived. If you can send them to me with any informayion regarding them I would love to put them on the site.
Best regards
Hi Eddy here.Did put another blogg about Deptford and sent it but it
dissapeared.Bit dissapointed but as i said still struggling a bit with
computers.My son told me what i was doing wrong so hopefully will succeed eith this one.
Andy you asked about photos of Deptford but afraid never had a camera till i was17.Have
a couple of pictures of our shop at no 6 in the fifties which I will sort out and send.I
have a sister who is 89 and still remembers a lot about Deptford and I am
getting more information from her.Found out lately that my great great grandfather died
at 52 church st on 4th dec 1862.Also that is son was born on January 1863 at the same
address.He was only 32 so never lived to see his son.On the death certificate the person
present at his death an Ann Barrett and this is where the big coincidence is that she lived
No 8 Deptford church st.Which is the Druids head pub which was next door to
my mums shop.My mum and dad never knew anything about this has I have only
found out since they died.Ann Barrett couldnt write because she signed the death
certificate with an x.Would love to know the story behind it all.We are Quite a big family
There were 8 of us children 6 boys and 2 girls.Only 3 of us left now.My Mum
had 5 children and then went 13 or 14 years and had another 3 boys in just over 3 years so
like another family.I was one of the second brood.I have a brother one year older than me.
My jounger brother died when he was six months.My sister Maisie left School when she was 14
and this is where her story begins. In Deptford and havent heard anybody yet mention it on there
bloggs on deptford is Dandridges.Dandridges was a big wharehouse which was
a place where they bought scrap metal and rags.This is one of the places the totters which
there was a lot in deptford used to sell stuff.I know there was another in Tanners hill but this
was on a smaller scale.Have a nice little story about the two which may tell at another time.Back
to Dandridges and my sister.Speaking to her yesterday and she said it was her first job when she
left school which then was 14.She was given a big knife type thing and all the all rags had to be
sorted to woolens linens etc.She said it was a dirty dusty and smelly place
to work.Would have been in 1930s which was a very hard times whith lots of people out of work.My
sister started work at 8 and finished at 6 .Dandridges was in creek st or creek rd.She says she
worked there for 2 years.She said at the time she weighed less than 6 stone.My mum knew mr Dandridge
and I remember going in there one time and seeing all women sorting the rags.Dont know when it clo.sed
but still there in the early sixties.Stopping for dinner now but will continue if of any interest to
anyone.Bye for now and happy new year
i have been r eading the comments about carrington house, most interesting considering i was a resident for 2 years in the 1930.s so i can say i am clued up on the comments. i left childrens homes and not having a job etc i was left to tramp the streets before going into the army,i have to say from the bad times i turned out ok. .yes i do well remember if one had some money they could get a sleep times were hard, i had a bit of work in the rag factory to get some money.most of my nights were spent in london road hospital with my feet in a bowl of gentian violet recovering from sore feet due to walking all day thanks all you sure brought back the times . ,,,dave
i was surprised to see a write up on where i actualy spent about 2 years of my time . i was born in a workhouse and after a time was sent to various childrens homes till i was14 yrs old , as i had no work or lodgings i was left to fend for myself some old lady used to leave the laundry room at browne house unlocked so i could have somewhere to sleep. but not all residents were that kind,if i got any money i would sleep in carrington house or in shop doorways i had a cafe at lewisham the black and white near the town hall i used to spend a lot of time they were good to me. free cups of tea. all that the people wrote on this page is 100% true i tried to get a job at a case factory i dont know where it was putting locks on but that fell through as i had no accomodation and no food . i was called for national service which was the start of my life. i stopped in for 22 yrs getting to sgt and then in the civil service. i would not wish those times on anyone . thanks all for reminding me of my early life thanks
I also went to West Greenwich School for many years and Carrington figures large as does Nobles the toy store and the smell of the distillery. My contribution about the residents is that I used to go into the library( cnr Lewisham Rd, Malpas Rd) most nights after school and there were often the same men reading in the warm wrapped up in overcoats and bandages around their hands. One man was always there -a little smelly and with an extremely long ragged beard reading great volume after volume and taking what looked like very careful notes. I often wished I'd approached him but I never did. I agree with the comment about war vets and the lack of places for those who were not coping. I actually lived in St James Rd, off the Old Kent Road and my mum and dad had a cafe there and very often "men of the road" would stand outside after the shop closed and dad would give them any leftovers.I remember those guys wrapped in newspaper during the winter.What times!
My grandfather worked there in the early 1960s. To say it was a tough environment is an understatement. In those 'less enlightened times,' staff were permitted to keep a cosh under the counter!
In the Seventies I lived in Downham just on the edge of Bromley and Lewisham and worked in the City. I was then in my early twenties. One day after work, getting on a 47 bus home, I chanced to sit behind a man who seemed to be in his fifties and looked somewhat rough and worse for wear who turned out to be a resident of Carrington House. We somehow got talking and it turned out be be a most enjoyable experience. The conversation was about things Welsh and Wales and Stanley Baker and Richard Burton and how they loved the beer and the movie Zulu, which has always been a favourite of mine.
There was loads of chat and smiles and some laughter before he left me smiling as he got off the bus opposite Carrington House.
I didn't know his circumstances but I thought, this was a man I was glad to have met.
My grandfather's sister was living at Carrington House before she got married in 1918. I think she worked there and it was used as a hospital during WW1.
My grandfather ( Gilbert Middleton ) was superintendent at Carrington house until 1977, he an my grandmother livid at Carrington house on the round floor at the front of the building for approx 25 years until my grandfather retired. I have very fond memories of the imposing building, I was only young at the time so I did not know a lot about what went on, but my father worked nights at the weekend when he first married my mother.
Oh yes Eddy I remember the place well. Like you I'm pushing 79 now and in the early nineteen fifties my passage to West Greenwich Central Shool (as it was then) took my by that wonderland of NOBLES! Yes Carrington House area now that was certainly a place to be avoided!
My Dad (who is 79) went to West Greenwich Boys School - Ron Savill - He now lives at the end of Church Street, a stones throw from Carrington House. My Dad's Dad stayed there once after he had been drunk, hit his wife and consequently was thrown out of the house and ended up needing a bed for the night!
Carrington house was very much part of my life having lived opposite the place in Norfolk House,as a child for 22 years. I know the smells and remember some of the old codgers that lived there. It seem odd to me that some of the comments above are about not wanting to go past the place, in all the time I lived in Norfolk House there was not one single incident that us residence had with the occupants. True, that there would be the odd fight but that would be among themselves but even so,rare. If anything it was us kids that was the problem being rough and ready.........ready to take the piss out of some of them for which I now feel guilty, however there were some that played along with our shenanigans in fair humour. One of our tricks was.....because our flats had outside dust bins we had plenty of flys. Plenty of flys produce plenty of maggots so we would collect some match boxes place maggots in them and go up to an old codger shaking the box and ask if the needed some matches for a penny. We sold a few and of course got the response we were looking for. Lots and lots of things come to mind about the old doss house and I would like to share just one simple,small, uplifting incident with an old codger that effected me all my life. There was an old recreation ground in Brookmill road where the codgers use to go and sit in the shed. As kids there was a game we would play of stamping on pavements where ants had a nest and this brought them up. Then we would stamp on them with glee until there was a mass little dead spots everywhere. A codger witnessed us doing this round the rec. and came over to plead with us not to kill things for no reason. Just stop and think for a moment what you are doing. He had seen many killings, please think. He was so sincere in his look and almost apologetic with his appeal that it did effect me and I have been unable to kill any insect unnecessary since. As kids we intermingled with the old residence of the doss house quite a lot and it might seem odd but I am glad I lived where I did. I miss me old Deptford and the people. Pleased to have found this blog.
Hi Alan,
I glad you shared your story with the people of Deptford. It's stories such as your which really give meaning to my website. Your right about there being no trouble. As I understand it strict rules were in force at this place and any disturbances would result in the offenders being expelled. Thanks again for your insight.
best regards
Hi Alan H are you the Alan Harding that lived next door to me I was at no 7 Norfolk House if you are can you remember me Christine G? I found this blog whilst reminiscing about my childhood in Deptford. I concur with what you wrote we never had any trouble from the residents of Carrington House.
Just stumbled upon this site bought back some meories i too went to west greenwhich
i also remember carrington house did some repairs there when i was about 20 i think scared me then my names Derek hill some fond and not so fond memories of Deptford and New Cross. Nobles used to buy my scalextric there amazing shop.
seems like a lifetime ago. i now live in thailand
iv just came across this site,
what can i say born next door to Carrington house Deptford:)
i remember so clearly the old med sitting outside wanting money with their bottles of cider in the 1970s.
i lived in Silvia cottages with my dad jock and mum Jose, i clearly remembered a lady my mum always would talk to named rose, drawn on eyebrows always up and down the Broadway.
Alays remeber the park across the road from silvia cottages with paddling pool and the budgies they used to keep in the cages, good old memories, i wish i was young again and go back in times, i loved going to laurie grove swimming pool too:)
Remember Laurie Groves swimming pool well.Learnt to swim there and got my 12yards certificate there.The had BRYLCREEM MACHINE which you could bye for one penny a dob.We would try all different pushes to get more for our money.Of course you never got more.Those were the days when Dennis Compton used Brylcreem, Laurie grove was also a place where you could have a bath.
Think it was sixpence.Just after the war and not many people had baths.I believe woman could also do their washing there.Sometimes when we came out of the baths there was a little cake shop which sold stale cakes cheaply.Really enjoyed them if we had a spare penny or so. the cake shop was near the Marquees of Granbury Pub. Hi Len see you were at west Greenwich at the same time as me and wonder if you remember Mr Crow one of the teachers.A great teacher and though i was a bit of a dunce always gave me a good report.What a nice man.There were about 32 in our class.Iwas normally about 30th,but done okay since and still enjoying life at 82.The other teachers I remember are Mr Beasley and Mr Martin.In those days people got the cane,but i never did.
life was hard then. my life went. born in workhouse. went to childrens homes,,about 10 years. sent to Wallingford farm training colony. at 14 I waspushed on the streets no work. no food no home for two years. got called up for national service finished that still no home or job life was so hard again at Carrington house decided to go in army again that was good I went to aden Singapore,,Germany,,kenya, etc it was such a change I was determined I would allways have a roof over my head, got promotion in the army stopped in for 22 yrs wonderfull in civy street I went into the civil service.then.the housing association have a house and money so from a beggar to a contented man is not bad, finaly my son wife have tried to kill me by the things put in my food.which failed so finaly they kicked me out of their company and life the must realize I had to work and struggle in my life it is wrong to take what I had to earn so they can sit around doing nothing they must work my age now is 87 I want to spend the rest of my life in peace and happiness. I hope
Hi David
That's and inspiring story of courage and determination. Its stories such as yours that make me greatfull for the "normal" life and upbringing I've experienced. I suppose the army was the best thing to go for apart from the combat that is. Sorry to hear about the family experience, not good my friend.
Your story is the kind of thing my blog needs. Thank you again for sharing.
Have a great life.
Much respect
I was born in 1966 and lived in Haddo House in Greenwich, the flats near the Cutty Sark. My mum used to take me to Deptford and I just remember how dusty and gritty it always was, especially when walking over the bridges. When you're so close to the ground you get it full force. I used to hate going there knowing the wind would blow shite into my mouth. My mum always avoided Carrington House as she would always have one of the old codgers making a pass at her... The old guys mostly wore suits, hardly ever with ties, which in those days was a fashion faux pas. White shirts showed the dirt more and were an indication of how long they had worn that particular item of attire. In the late 70's I used to go into central London from Lewisham on the No 1 or No 47 bus which would go past Carrington House. It was always a morbid attraction. At the same time (the late 70's/early 80's) me and my friends would go to Deptford Market so we would see a lot of the men from Carrington House partying on the benches at the Deptford, rather then the Creek Road end, of the market. They were never aggressive and if as a child you tried to take the piss out of them, an adult would appear out of nowhere and chastise you. These days, people just walk by. I wonder how many of the people currently living in that huge building know its true history? Deptford and Greenwich also used to have many paper factories around the Creek - is there anyone else who used to slide down the 50 foot mountains of old comics and newspapers during their summer holidays? The fun never lasted long as those mills always seemed to have an Alsatian dog with a hefty 20 foot garden chain around its neck that listened out for kids having fun. For those who weren't sightseers like me, and who had to use the services that Carrington House provided, and who have contributed to this blog, I just want to say how much I respect you for making the most out of life with the hands you were dealt.
only one thing to realy say to those who survived the stay in carrington house you deserve a medal i realy mean that i was a survivor having two years of that life, k andy and others who make sure these stories are never forgot i say many many thanks have a happy new year, dave wright
Thanks Dave
It's people like you who keep the memories alive and for that I am grateful
Happy New year to you
Take care
I went to west greenwich boys school in catherine grove SE10, i travelled from new cross gate. ,it is now luxury appartments ,.it was being converted on one of my trips back from NZ. im 76 now . Noting that gary Oldman went there and googled wikipedia which states that the school is in deptford but deptford is SE8 so incorrect info is given .
fred baker
I remember carrington house in the 1970s, I was born in the new part building in Greenwich hospital 1971.
We lived at 40 Silvia cottages on brookmill road,
My mum josie and dad jock were big drinkers themselves:) and they used to sit with the drinkers outside carrington house and sometimes leave me in a silver cross prom with them :-/
I remember the picture house on the broadway
I remember the park opposite Silvia cottages as a toddler with a paddleing pool and the avairy of birds, benches with the winos,
I also remember the large slide, who he’s hat and swings in the play area.
My mum was seeing a guy who ran a cafe on the broadway itself opposite the old wimpy, were the Turkish guy smithy had and would cook bubble and squeek for the people carrington house and all round,
And the butchers just around the corner from the deptford Broadway ��
They were the days and as I’m writing I’ve just remembered a lady tall slim and love her make up and wearing her badges name of rose/Rosie. My mum and got on with her��I think
That was my home soil ground☺️
Thank you for allowing us to write our past thoughts on this page, it brings a ��
Thank you Sharon Anderson
Thank you Sharon for sharing you life memories of Deptford
Keep the memories coming
Best regards
I lived in Albyn rd lucus vale was my 1st primary school 1965-66 I remember the head mistress Ms Bennett and a tall teacher named Mr May. We used the call him Mr May poll.
May Pole 😂😂😂
Great and thank you
Your story touched me so much, I'm glad you found peace and happiness. I have just found out that my uncle was living at Carrington house in the seventies, he just up and left the Wirral and the family never knew where he ended up.
I have just found out that my great uncle was living in Carrington house in the seventies. He just upped and left the Wirral and his family never knew what happened to him. Do you think your family member may remember him? His name was Andrew and he had a liverpudlian accent. Any information would be greatly recieved. Many thanks.
I found this while looking for information about Norfolk Hose, where my Grandad lived in the early 1920's.. no 22. I went To Addey & Stanhope School in 1960's and often had to walk past Carrington House. the men always scared me.. I hated walking near them. When I went to work in the late 60's, at Bondway in Vauxhall... what was next door.. Rowton House.. same as Carrington House, and yes.. I had to walk past there everyday .. again I hated it. Being young I didn't realise what it was all about then. I was just disgusted and scared. Thankfully times have changed. Barbara
I went West Greenwich Boys in the seventies and remember the huge facade of Charrington Hse and the men sitting in the park.
I wonder if a lot of those men were suffering from post tralmatic stress.
Britain was always involved in one conflict or another. My uncle tramp around between hostels from the 2nd WW until his death in the late seventies.
I was told he never recovered from experiences with the BEF at Dunkirk.
Was Charrington Hse part of a sad social solution to a problem with PTSS?
Thanks for your memories. I think you may well be right PTSS must have been common.
I've heard people say that people from all walks in life.doctors solicitors included. people just fall on hard times not just down and outs. Thanks again.
I went to Addey & Stanhope GS (1948-55) and used to get off the 47 bus outside Carrington House every morning. It seemed a grim place, but my father told me there was an evangelical side to it and that services were held there, ostensibly to convert the working man, or indeed "the dosser" to Christianity, and woo such people off the "demon drink." I remember once my father actually took us to a meeting there but other than the bare interior, I remember nothing of the occasion.
I have many other memories of Deptford, since Addey's is a pretty major part of its history, even though the school itself was actually in the New Cross Road (ie SE14, rather than SE8) During my time, the headmaster of Addey's was BA Howard, a notable man in many respects.
My parents were born in New Cross and their parents were also from the Deptford and New cross. Camberwell area. I remember Douglas Way quite vividly as I used to accompany my Mum to the market there every Saturday for shopping. This was the early sixties, the stalls stretched along most of the street, second hand clothes at the Mornington road end and new goods, food, textiles etc at the High street end, which I preferred because it was much livelier with the haggling and banter with the stall holders. One such couple Mary and George I think, spring to mind, she used to nag him and he would tell her to shut up, they looked quite miserable so I was relieved that the customers laughed because I thought they were serious. I recall a jellied eel shop on the corner of the high street ,and people outside eating, I never could stand jellied eels. At the other end on the corner of Mornington road there was a "rag and bone"/ second hand shop owned by a family called Allen, two brothers Walter and Johnnie ran the shop.
I also remember Carrington House, as a young child also felt quite wary of the men who stood around the Broadway.However, during my summer holiday's I worked as a hospital orderly in St Alfeges and the Miller hospital and met two of these men as patients. They had been affected by the war, one had been sleeping on park benches and although accommodation was found for him when he was discharged I understand after a month he returned to sleeping in the park.
I have been doing family research for some while and whilst I have gathered most of the BMD records I am trying to gather social detail about my family from the late 1800s to the 1960s. A tall order I know.
My father's name was Nugent and his family had owned sheepskin rug factories in Deptford, New cross and Camberwell over the previous ninety years. The last factory was destroyed in World War 2.He lived in Dixon road and attended Addey and Stanhope in the 1920s and My mother was Langley, worked for the gas board in the Old Kent road and in her spare time in the early 30s was a keen athlete ran for some local Harriers clubs. Her family used to live in Alpha road and subsequently Amersham road. Her mother Rosetta Markham started up a haulage business in the 1930s but that I understand was requisitioned for the war effort.
My mothers generation have now died and the families scattered throughout this country and the globe long ago.
So I would be very grateful if by any chance anyone has any information to build up my history.
Sorry, I can't help you with that. Sue. I know the roads you mention, but not the people, even with the Addey's connection. I was at Addey's 1948-55. The headmaster was BA Howard - great teacher!
Wow that beings back childhood memories. My parents were living in Wickham Road when I was born in 1939. I remember queuing at Wellbeloved butchers with my mum and sister, took what seemed like hour's just to get our meagre ration
My sister just sent me old photos of Deptford and a couple was off Carrington House. When I was young living in Greenwich we use to come to Deptford because it was one of the only places you could get West Indian food. The we would walk to the bus stop across from carrington to get the bus to Lewisham. My mother used to tell us to look at the men there closely because if we didn’t study hard in school we might end up like them That this country throws there people away that can’t take care of themselves
Just stumbled across this site while doing family research. My Grandfather Harry Clear was a sometime resident of Carrington House in the 1950's. I was born in Brockley in 1952 but seldom saw my Grandfather as he and my father didn't get on. I remember that he would only visit if he had money in his pocket and a red plastic fire engine with yellow ladder was a cherished gift from him.
Harry served in the West Surrey Regiment before WW1. He was not a good soldier and was often losing pay as punishment. He left the Army but, as a Reservist, was called up when war broke out in 1914. in October he was reported missing believed dead and the War Office confirmed this in 1919. My Grandmother got on with life, marrying a man named Turner.
In 1926 Harry turned up! It seems he had deserted and somehow lived out the War with a woman in France. Quite how an uneducated Englishman, and obviously a British soldier, survived that period unable to speak the language is unbelievable. He must have had amazing help from the people he lived with. The authorities, for whatever reason, took no action against him on his return {his sister had reported him as she was so angry with him for deserting}.
He spent the last years of his life homeless, hence his time at Carrington House.
I have mixed feelings about his desertion. We now know how bad life in the trenches could be but millions of men did not desert. How I would love to be able to sit down with him and say "Harry, no recriminations, but tell me your story".
I remember when I worked for the council I helped to repoint Carrington House in the 60's we worked on cradles on the front of the building. But the smell inside was atrocious. I can remember Douglas St market. my mum used to bye her stockings from one of the stalls. I can clearly remember too the jellied eels which I have never wanted to taste. I can remember syncopating Sandy playing the piano non stop for a week at the New Cross Empire. Thank you all for those memories. Frank
I enjoyed your memoriea, Frankie. Your mention of New Cross Empire reminded me of a story you might find amusing. I went to Addey & Stanhope School (1948-55) which is (was?) directly opposite the Empire. One Monday morning we all pitched up to school to find large new posters of a play they were putting on - Jean Paul Sartre's "The Respectful Prostitute." This caused endless giggles and sniggers in the playground, but at morning Assembly, we were all earnestly urged to pay the posters no attention!
Best wishes, David.
I have just come across this page with the photographs of the inside. Thanks so much for sharing. My great great grandfather John Charles Wicken died in Carrington House in 1914 so it was very interesting to see the inside of the place. Thank you.
I remember Carrington House and the cottages beside it, quite a contrast. One of the 'inmates', an Irishman named Huey, used to have a beer in the Standard pub on Tanner's Hill. He used to leave his money behind the bar because it used to get stolen if he went 'home' with it.
I went to West Greenwich and I remember Mr Crow and Mr Hodder the games teachers the latter being a scout for Southampton FC and he developed Danny, Ray and Rod Wallace who all played professionally for the Saints. (Danny played at Man Utd too!). I loved going to the record shop on Deptford Broadway to buy my vinyl as well. Dinner times we used to buy a packet of crisps or biscuits and a cup drink and spend the dinner break playing football in Brookmill Park.
I wonder if anyone remembers Glenmore Leaburn who was in my class I've often wondered if he was the older brother of Carl who went on to play for Charlton
I am a great granddaughter of Maria Mantle, whose parents, Uriah & Sarah Gitsham, ran the Freemasons Arms in Mill St. The row of buildings in which the alehouse (not sure you could call it a pub), which I think was in an earlier picture on this post, was demolished and replaced by the Carrington.
In trying to trace the movements of the family after the demolition I have hit a blank. Maria Mantle eventually emigrated to Melbourne Australia but despite accessing shipping records here in Australia, I haven't been able to confirm the date of her arrival (nailed it down to two possible records). It was in Melbourne that she gave birth to my grandfather out of wedlock, and unfortunately his birth certificate does not record a father's name.
Who his father was may be an unsolvable mystery but thought perhaps a Deptford oldie or historian might have access to information that could help me out with at least tracing Maria's movements from leaving the Freemasons Arms to heading to Australia.
Thanks for all your wonderful stories and comments about Deptford - fascinating stuff.
There was a pub on the corner ?Murphy's, awful when passing it.
My Grandfayher was Superintendent at Carrington during the 30s 40s and I believe 50s. I remember staying there with my Mother after we were bombed out in 1943.
Most of the residents I remember were ex servicemen, I was perfectly safe!
My mums family came from Pagnall street Deptford and I spent a lot of time there as a child. Does anybody remember Purdy the Tramp. It was said he was related to a fish shop owner in Deptford and they used to give him food. I found a picture of him on Google Images but it says he is Percy the Tramp, Have I been saying it wrong all these years? Later I moved to Sanford street where I met my husband. Can anyone tell me where Witcher? street was exactly It was off of Clifton Rise somewhere....Many thanks
We really don't know how lucky we are these days. Glad you are OK now after a terrible start in life.
Mad rose
And that funky lipstick
Enough said🤣🤣🤣
I have been reading about carrington house and Deptford high street. I lived in deloraine house, tanners hill, from 1952 to 1972. I used to go to Lucas vale school. I remember so many things about this time of my life. I remember the picture palace at the bottom of tanners hill which eventually turned into the first supermarket!!! Opposite was Deptford high street, on the corner was a record shop where I bought most of my singles and ep’s. I worked in a ladies dress shop on a Saturday (can’t remember the name) the owner was a Jewish gentleman. I then worked in a shoe shop and finally ending up in Woolworths where my husband to be first asked me out. I remember on Christmas Eve my dad used to take me to Deptford Broadway to buy out Christmas tree. I used to go to lady Florence institute learning to tap, ballet and acrobats to perform for the local people in the big hall. Then you had nobles on the corner which was a wonderful shop, many of my dolls were repaired there. Unfortunately my uncle ended up in carrington house after returning from the USA after family bereavement we were unable to accommodate him in our small flat. He died in there and was given a paupers funeral, money was tight. I remember the first Chinese restaurant opening up near tanners hill. I used to go to Saturday morning pictures in the picture palace at the bottom of tanners hill. Opposite was the Deptford empire where I remember seeing a man play the piano for a record length of time. I used to work opposite goldsmiths colledge which was my first job after leaving school. I worked there for six years. I could go on further but may be boring everybody. Thank you for reading regards Kathy
I am told that my grandmother worked at Carrington house for a while. Not sure of the exact dates. Sometime between 1948 and 1965. Does anyone know what it would have been like toward there?
In the late 1960s my aunt befriended an older Irish gentleman who was resident in Carrington House. Once a week.je would call at her flat where she would give him some cake she had bought for him. If places like Carrington House still existed, maybe there would not be so many people sleeping on the streets.
In the 1911 census my grandfather is living at 24 Brookmill Road, Deptford with his three children, one of them being my father who was 10 years old at the time. I have just tried searching the 1921 census for the same address and it returns Carrington House, there is no entry for number 24. I do remember my mother telling me that when my father returned home from the Navy on leave one time he found he's father in a doss house called Carrington House, the family story was my grandfather liked to drink. Would anyone know the connection between this address and Carrington house please, I would like to know the situation that my father was living in when he was 10 years old in 1911. Grateful for any help.
Number 24 Brookmill Road is one of the Sylva Cottages. Here it is !
In this picture, you can see what used to be called Carrington House further down the road at the end of the row of cottages:
A fascinating site thank you everyone.
My dad was in Carrington House before I was born. When he married my mum in 1952 they were made homeless so she slept in a mothers refuge somewhere in Peckham I think, and he stayed in Carrington House. He caught TB in there too. She used to tell me that they would chuck her out of her lodgings and she would have to tramp the streets with three kids in a pram until she was allowed back. He would never talk of it except to say it was a hell of a doss house.
When I was younger I would see the men congregating around the top of Deptford High Street and they would nearly always be chugging from a bottle. I also remember the despair on their faces. I'm sure a lot of it wasnt their own making but they were made to feel it was.
My nan & grandad lived their I spent lot of my childhood in 60s they moved to Bellingham estate in 1973 .vanguard Street it was very nice .my nan worked in shop with ivy & Charlie by Park .
I lived in Carringtom House as a 16 year old in 1975. I had been in a tied cottage on a farm but had to leave. I spent a few weeks sleeping rough and was sent there by the local job centre. It was hell on earth. It was full of alcoholics who were constantly screaming or fighting. I had to sleep in my clothes as they would try to steal your stuff by climbing over the top of your cubicle. I woke up several times to see legs coming over. It was very scary. The inmates would urinate and poop in the corridors and in the baths making them unusable. I bathed up at New Cross baths. I found work pretty quickly and was out of there after a few months and into a shared bed sit. I think you could get food in there but the dining room was a filthy hole full of drinks all day. It was a living nightmare.
I was secondary school age when first came across Carrington House, 1976, - in particular, the woman "dosser" who would hang out there with her flared ankle swinging trousers and always a bright pink or white shirt with huge collars turned over her blazer and her hair GREASED back Bo Derek style and drawn on eyebrows - quite the character :}
Mad rose.. very frightening
My Nan and grandad use to have a shop in the park I think it was. But my Nan use to tell stories of the old doss house and how they use to come in the shop, most of them she said was very nice and polite. I lived on friendly st and have always known it as Carrington house or the old doss house. I was born in the 80’s s so never saw any of it, but always heard the stories.
AN UP TO DATE-ish memory.
I lived in what was Carrington house after it became Mereton Mansions. I was always interested in the history of the grade II listed building so this site has been very interesting ��. I lived there until about 2006 and apparently my flat on the ground floor used to be the kitchens. Before I was offered the flat by the Housing Association I found out it was in what was Carrington and was going to refuse it, but my son and I needed a decent home so I went to have a peep- so glad I did! We’ve now moved away a few years ago but it was a haven for us then, with a safe place for my son to play and we have many happy memories. I’m not sure exactly what it’s like now but was beginning to look a little run down when we were rehoused and left a few years back.
It is not surprising to read some of the comments but these represent the bias of the general society and the unknown
I worked there in the early 1980s and with a team of 100 staff we got rid of the negative views of the public then. Yes there was a minority among 750 men who were really bad. But the majority were law abiding but unfortunate men from all walks of life including doctors lawyers builders gardeners labourers. We made the place a decent one to live in until we helped many resettle in their own flats. We helped some of the older people move into care homes. Many of these people were victims and being attacked by outsiders. I remember speaking on the radio news round in 1984 when one on our residents was stabbed by a member of the public. I agree places like these attract negative comments and anxieties due to our own ignorance and internalised prejudice . Just someone approaching you and begging does not mean they are harmful. I agree there was a very insignificant minority getting drunk and behaving inappropriately . But the public was not attacked by any of the residents. It was the other way round.
Absolutely you are so right.
Did you write the story in the end? I had a Great Uncle in there & trying to find out more
This is such an interesting insight, so sad. My Great Uncle was at Carrington House until 1974. He was called Jack of Carrington, just trying to find out more. He went into WW1 at 16yrs of age (I’ve got sons this age cannot imagine) anybody know of a Jack of Carrington?
I’ve just found a Great Uncle I had, lived there until 1974 - he was a marine in the WW1 for 4 years, signed up at 17yrs, not sure how he ended up in Carrington but trying to find anyone who may of known him, he was called “Jack of Carrington” in the death notice.
I have just found out my blood grabdad was in there and died in there ahe 42 of a heamorrahe. He saved 300 pound to send to hull his 3 orphan girls...one my mam
Well- I was practicing as a solicitor in New Cross Road in the late 1970s and all sorts of people ended up in Carrington House including a lecturer from Goldsmith's whose marriage had broken up and he really had no idea what to do - wasn’t on the drink or drugs, just a wholly unexpected life event . Drink / drugs weren’t allowed in there anyway.
My question is - does anyone remember the name of the sole woman legal practitioner based opposite the top of Deptford High Street ( before the anchor and all that) - not Benwell and Maugham but a ‘ Miss V…? ‘ trying to remember she had an archive of documents about the Deptford docks history which I thought should have gone to the British Museum- she was about late 80s/ 90 in those days .
I attended Goldsmiths in 1977/78 and lived in Wickham Road, Brockley. Late one Sunday evening I was driving past Carrington house back to my hall and at the last minute I saw a man crawling across the road. I thankfully braked hard and came to a halt just before the poor chap. He managed to get to the other side. The experience did shake me up and I always made sure my cars brakes were in good order!
I remember carrington house i used to live of loampit vale on elswick road . The instituiion was a cold but necessary place a lot of the residents stuggled to find alcohol. The men who stayed there looked sad old men alot had very quite severe disfigurement from beatings probably alcohol related quite a lot of them used to abuse methylated spirits meaning that every time they had a drink of water they would get drunk again they didn't live very long it seemed like it was there forever that building in Deptford
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